Thor: Love and Thunder: Is it the perfect time for Beta Ray Bill to appear in the MCU?

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Aug25,2024
Thor: Love and Thunder: Is it the perfect time for Beta Ray Bill to appear in the MCU? 1
Thor: Love and Thunder: Is it the perfect time for Beta Ray Bill to appear in the MCU? 1

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is gradually changing after Avengers: Endgame, with the old superheroes taking their rightful `inheritance` positions.

However, there are many people in the fan community who oppose Jane Foster, because they believe that Jane is too weak to replace Thor’s position, or at least `worthy` of wielding the magic hammer Mjolnir.

That is Thor’s friend who has not yet officially appeared in the MCU – Beta Ray Bill.

Thor: Love and Thunder: Is it the perfect time for Beta Ray Bill to appear in the MCU?

In the comic book prototype, Beta Ray Bill was the champion of the Korbin race.

Thor: Love and Thunder: Is it the perfect time for Beta Ray Bill to appear in the MCU?

However, some unfortunate misunderstandings occurred between the two of them, leading to a heated match.

Bill immediately knocked Thor unconscious, then out of curiosity picked up the hammer.

With his advantage and Odin’s tacit support, Beta Ray Bill won against a weakened Thor.

Thor: Love and Thunder: Is it the perfect time for Beta Ray Bill to appear in the MCU?

Impressed by Bill’s spirit, Odin revealed that he just wanted to teach Thor a lesson to make him less arrogant.

However, with the introduction of a version of Stormbreaker in the MCU too early as well as the death of Odin, perhaps the story of Beta Ray Bill will be very different from the original.

Thor: Love and Thunder: Is it the perfect time for Beta Ray Bill to appear in the MCU?

In Thor: Ragnarok, if you look closely, you can see that the statue of this character was carved on the Grandmaster’s tower.

Basically, Bill has a very large fan base (while many fans of Thor comics do not like Jane Foster), not to mention he also encountered the Hulk in the animated movie Planet Hulk.

Thor: Love and Thunder: Is it the perfect time for Beta Ray Bill to appear in the MCU?

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